Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

5 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 5341
Author(s): Papaioannou, Eustratios N.
Title : Michael Psellos' Rhetorical Gender
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 24., ( 2000):  Pages 133 - 146.
Year of Publication: 2000.

2. Record Number: 4501
Title : Why Is the "Alexiad" a Masterpiece of Byzantine Literature? [The author emphasizes Anna's borrowings both from the "Iliad" and the "Chronography" by Psellos].
Source: Full-text of the Alexiad in English (from the Medieval Sourcebook)
Year of Publication: 2000.

3. Record Number: 5354
Author(s): Papaioannou, Eustratios N.
Title : Feminine "Physis" in Michael Psellos's Literary Work
Source: Byzantine Studies Conference. Abstracts of Papers , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 103
Year of Publication: 1999.

4. Record Number: 1361
Author(s): de Vries- van der Velden, Eva.
Title : La lune de Psellos [argues that the "moon" Psellos describes in his letter to John Mauropous is his young bride; includes the Greek text and a French translation of the letter].
Source: Byzantinoslavica , 57., 2 ( 1996):  Pages 239 - 256.
Year of Publication: 1996.

5. Record Number: 9534
Author(s): Laiou, Angeliki E.
Title : The Festival of "Agathe": Comments on the Life of Constantinopolitan Women [The author examines a short treatise by Michael Psellos about the annual festival of Agathe in which women sang and danced near a church. Laiou argues that the women's activities which praised good cloth-making suggest that they were members of a female guild for carders, spinners, and weavers. The article was originally published in Byzantium 1 (1986): 111-122. Volume One was also titled Tribute to Andreas N. Stratos. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Gender, Society, and Economic Life in Byzantium. Angeliki E. Laiou Variorum Collected Studies Series .   Ashgate, 1992. Byzantinoslavica , 57., 2 ( 1996):  Pages 111 - 122. Originally published in Byzantium 1 (1986): 111-122. Volume One was also titled Tribute to Andreas N. Stratos.
Year of Publication: 1992.